
Amazon-Style Store


This is an Amazon-like storefront and application using Node and MySQL. It takes in orders from customers and depletes stock from the store’s inventory and includes a component that allows a manager to manage inventory. Finally, it has a component that allows Supervisors to track product sales across the store’s departments and provide a summary of the highest-grossing store departments.


  1. bamazonCustomer.js
    • On launch, displays available products for sale
    • Allows customers to purchase available products
    • Allows customers to display available products for sale
  2. bamazonManager.js
    • Allows managers to display available products for sale
    • Allows managers to add products
    • Allows managers to find products with low inventory (fewer than 5 in stock)
    • Allows managers to add to a product’s inventory
  3. bamazonSupervisor.js
    • Allows supervisors to view Product Sales by Department
    • Allows supervisors to view Department list
    • Allows supervisors to add new Departments
    • Allows managers to display available products for sale

Using MyStore

Use the following commands to launch the Customer, Manager, and Supervisor components of the MyStore application:

MyStore Results

MyStore is a command line application; accordingly, it cannot be run in a web browser. See below for videos demonstrating the components of the working application. Click Schema or Seed for access to the SQL scripts for the application.


Customer Results Video:

Customer Results

Manager Results Video:

Manager Results

Supervisor Results Video:

Supervisor Results

Development Details


Pam Kelly at

GitHub Repository

GitHub at

Display Results


Node SQL Store on Portfolios

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Copyright © 2020 Pamela L. Kelly